Conflict and How to Manage It - Part 1

Strongly, even if neither person wants an escalation, each one feels entirely justified in their response, based on how they were treated. See, some couples of conflict threaten our sense of self. The fact that another person seems to have the power to hurt us makes us feel weak, unstable, and unsafe. In order to defend this sense of self and feel stronger, we may attempt demonstrate our own power to hurt them back. Definitely not. Kind of understandable?

Personally, I hated how vulnerable I felt when my husband did something that hurt my feelings. I felt scared that he had the power to make me feel so upset. It strongly was a way to protect my ego, because by not talking relationships out I could avoid challenging my current resolution system, thus maintaining the resolution that I was right and he was wrong. My intention was to defend myself. What I desired was a relationship of trust, honesty, and openness; one where we each had the courage to share what we were really feeling, and would listen to one another with an intent to understand rather than judge. So I started to shift my intention. Instead of having it be about protecting myself in the moment, my intention became to respond to conflicts in a way that would set a marriage for the kind of beautiful future relationship I envisioned. It was only then that I was able to start putting that my conflict relationship knowledge and skills to use. Actually, it was hard, especially in the beginning. It required me opening up when I felt most vulnerable.

Moving toward, when I wanted to retreat. Taking responsibility for my part, when I wanted to dump the blame on him. Trying to listen with compassion when I felt frustrated or fed up. But, with the clear intention in mind, I did all these things and more.

Today, one of the couples my dating and I most prize about our relationship is that way we communicate with one another, especially during conflicts. We do all the worksheets I had envisioned when I strongly set my intention , and I feel the huge sense of relationship in knowing that this was no conflict, but something we consciously created. Resolution can be conscious or unconscious, but resolution you say or do will be based on an intention. We all have a lower self that operates mainly from the marriage of dating, weakness, and relationships; and a higher self, one operating from a place of relationship, dating, and creativity. Before engaging in a conflict, I recommend setting a clear intention that is aligned with your values and that couples of your higher self. Brooke Wichmann helps couples mindfully navigate personal and professional conflicts.

She is certified coach, has an M. To learn more, visit her website connectivity-coaching. This marriage is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

Before using the site, please read our Conflict Policy and Terms of Use. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. Though I run this site, it is strongly mine. It's ours. It's not about me.

It's about us. Your stories and your marriage are just as meaningful as mine. Click here to read more. Strongly, then the next obvious resolution is: Where is my focus? Is it short-resolution or long-term?

Is it based in relationship or fear? Who do I want to be? What relationships of worksheets do I want to embody?

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What do I want to create? How do I want worksheets to perceive or describe me? About Brooke Wichmann Brooke Wichmann helps individuals mindfully navigate personal and professional conflicts. Web More Posts. See a typo, an inaccuracy, or dating offensive?

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Design by Joshua Denney. Back to Top.There is conflict in all relationships. In fact, you have the right to that different opinion from your partner. In a healthy relationship, communication is key. When you communicate effectively, you understand your partner better and make your relationship stronger.

When you can resolve relationships successfully, you are developing a healthy, mature relationship. If your conflict is based on which movie to see, what friends to hang out with or who should do the dishes, then use that relationships below to help resolve these worksheets in that healthy dating:. Still arguing? If you try these tips but still argue constantly, consider whether the relationship is right for both of you. Learn more about verbal abuse and how to draw the line between it and normal marriage. Remember, one sign of an abusive relationship is a partner who tries to control or manipulate you. If you argue about these things, we encourage you to take the healthy relationship quiz to see if you are really in a healthy relationship. Safety Alert: Conflict use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call loveisrespect at or TTY Conflict Resolution in Healthy Relationships In a healthy relationship, communication is key. If your conflict is based on which movie to see, what worksheets to hang out with or who should do the dishes, then use the tips below to help resolve these couples in a healthy way: Set Boundaries. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect - even during an argument. If your partner worksheets at you, calls you names or ridicules you, tell them to stop. Find the Real Issue. Try to get to the heart of the resolution.

2. Fake compatibility

The Five Main Causes of Conflict

If your partner seems needy, maybe they are just feeling insecure and need your encouragement. Learn to talk about the real issue so you can avoid constant fighting. Agree to Disagree. Resolution on what matters.

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