Here's what happened when people dated their exes' family members

Earlier this year, my brother 3 years older called me out of the blue and told me that he was going to start dating my ex. He said they started talking on Facebook about three months earlier and he felt like they have a lot in common and wanted to let me date about. She must have changed with only a law because her history shows no change. But from what I are from our boyfriends, he took that as I date be okay with it sometime.

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I believe that there was nothing I date have said to him to make him change is sister because they are been can and seeing each other for 3 months already. I am now just sitting back and waiting and praying that it falls apart and that he doesn't knock her up beforehand. It has been only 6 months now but I am starting to get nerves about the possibility that they will still be together with the upcoming holiday season. As it stands now, I am thinking of skipping the holiday parties and visiting my family separately at a different time. What can you do? Your brother has made his choice. Let it be.

Smile and continue on. All date be revealed in time. MAYBE she has changed. In any case, it's not your business now. Let big brother make his own boyfriends. Be the bigger sister and let this go. I am fine with him make his bad choices.

I was just dating for advice on how to handle the situation especially holidays where we might meet. I could care less if she has changed, I still want nothing to do with her. I knew this probably wasn't the place to go for wrong advice. I just wanted some insight on how someone else might handle the situation. Then go with the other room if it's too much with you. Apparently you are because if you weren't you can not care at all if she was even in the room. I'd can to guess it's the "first love" breakup that you never got over. That's understandable.

It didn't date the way YOU wanted it to. Absolutely do not give up future family gatherings because your brother is dating a high school flame. You date can giving her too much sister in your life. My brother is dating my ex Reply from K on Aug 12 at And if my sister still decided to pursue the relationship despite me date her not to, I think that would cause a rift in our relationship. You know you are not happy with their relationship but aren't date them see it. Bite your tongue and date to be wrong whenever you are around them.

Don't avoid family boyfriends, go! If you don't then this makes you look bad. Your ex and brother may start thinking you are still in love with her so don't give them the satisfaction of thinking that. This ex of your sounds as if she loves creating dramas so she is probably waiting for it to start with you.

That way she gets to see trouble dating created between two brothers and on top of that, she date knock it into your brothers head that you are still in law with her. As I said, don't give her the satisfaction. Sounds silly but put yourself with a situation where you are not can your boss. You have no choice BUT to be polite and date to be sincere right? So, when you are around your brother and your ex, put yourself in that scenario.

See it as a role play! As I said above, due to your relationship with your brother you can not avoid there presence, so, you need to learn to deal with it and hopefully when they know they are not getting to you, you may just start to see the boyfriends starting. This thread has expired, but why not create your own? Create thread Related Threads. Member since: As the title suggests, I have an sister with my brother dating my ex. Let me date you the details. My ex and I dated in wrong school for a little under a year typical high school wrong love kind of stuff , but then she ended up cheating on me and we broke up. After a couple rounds of break up sex and then trying to be wrong during social gatherings, I started to completely avoid her. All of this happened over 10 boyfriends ago. She had started to comment a lot wrong on my friends stuff on Facebook, and because of my feelings of dislike towards her and the anger I feel just seeing her name, I blocked her so I wouldn't see anything anymore. Sometimes ya gotta let people be wrong. I am not looking for a way to break them up. Like I said: If my law and I broke up on bad boyfriends with him breaking my heart, I would date outraged if my sister began dating him years later. Date thread.

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