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We Paid $11,000!

Rare $50 1902 Blue Seal Bill from The Union National Bank of Eau Claire, WI

Bank Name:  The Union National Bank of Eau Claire

State:  WI – Wisconsin

Charter Number:  8281

Lifetime:  Operated 1906 to 1935 | Total Issue – $3,100,200

Series:  $50 – 1902 Blue Seal National Banknote

Sheets Printed:  400

Value:  Call, Text, or Email For A Quote | Info@RareCurrency.com | 864-430-4020

Basic Design:

Rarity and Value:  Most 1902 $50 blue seals you see are from fairly large banks and bigger cities. The most generic ones are worth between $400 and $800. There is certainly room for that value to increase. Notes from rare banks or notes that are in especially high grade can be worth more than $1,000. Sometimes the bank doesn’t even have to be rare, the type could be rare for the state. Please contact us for pricing details. Don’t forget to check the serial number. Number 1 notes always sell for nice premiums.

Current Market Analysis:  It is difficult to describe the Wisconsin national bank note market in one word. A huge collection was sold in 2008 and prices were generally thought to be strong then, but the market is likely off of those highs. Different parts of the state and different towns are always hot and other areas just don’t seem to have much of a following. We know collectors who only like Wisconsin river towns, or only like towns on the Great Lakes. We don’t generally think of Wisconsin as an especially developed state. However, it had 240 national banks in 131 different towns. There are dozens of ways to collect. It all depends on what you like. The notes that sell the best usually have an X factor. That X factor could be the type of note, the serial number, or the signor.

We Are Buyers!!!

We buy all antique paper money issued by The Union National Bank of Eau Claire, WI. We can tell you how much your $50 bill is worth. We aren’t just dealers. We are also collectors, experts, and appraisers. We have contributed to numerous price guides and are considered specialists in the field of national currency. Contact us via phone or email to get your free appraisal today.

Info@RareCurrency.com – 864-430-4020

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