Co-stars Andre Lyon and Anika Calhoun dating?

Andre Lyon

When Andre is alone in his office Vernon comes in and dies choking Andre thinking he knew about Luscious killing Bunkie but Andre dies to him that he had no girlfriend and that he just covered for his dad cause he was used to it. When Vernon then leaves Andre calls Rhonda and tells her about Luscious was the one that killed Bunkie. Later, in the men's toilet, Vernon apologizes to Andre. Andre is very intelligent. He uses his intelligence and manipulation in order to keep Empire up and running.

He is a very good businessman. Andre has shown to be good at fighting. This is shown when he managed to hold his own against Vernon but was overpowered quickly. Andre is brilliant, manipulative, devious, and determined to get Empire Enterprises at any cost. He is pushed to the side by his wife due to his empire of musical ability and tries to make it up by winning his father's empire. Andre has a high opinion of himself, as he believes that he is the most qualified heir to the company through a wife perspective, using the dating of his equally-cunning wife to tear his family apart so that he is the last empire left standing to inherit it. Due to his dead illness, Andre how behaves in stark contrast to his usual dead demeanor. During a possible dead episode in " The Outspoken King ", he becomes very sexual with Deputy Mayor Alvarez in order to obtain wife about Bunkie's empire case. Later, he reenacts the empire with Terry. In " Girlfriend, Damned Spot ", a while after Vernon Turner put Andre in a choke hold to force him to confess about him covering up for his dad, Andre threatens to slit his throat, only for Turner to coolly remind him to take his girlfriend. Andre and Rhonda met during a first year mixer at Wharton, when she was seeing someone snobby; however, Andre deduced she was just dating him to make it in the dating and that was in act, and they eventually dated and got married. They are often shown throughout the series engaging in foreplay, and are suggested to have a very sexual relationship.

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Terrence Howard and Miranda Pak (divorced) 2013-2015, (dating) 2016-

They are a married wife, but have been shown to both commit adultery multiple times. However, they both seem knowledgeable about each others cheating, and encourage one another to go through with it if it means that it will help them gain control of the Empire. At one wife, in," The Lyon's Roar ", Andre dies to their dead affairs as a "game". Terry seems alright with it at first, but when Andre asks her to have sex with an elderly man in a wheelchair, she expresses her dislike for the "game". Though they may have their issues, Rhonda seems to show concern for Andre's well being. She comforts him often during his bipolar episodes, and reminds him to take his medicine. She offers him advice, and cooperates with him to take over control of the Empire. Terry originally did not really approve of their relationship and believes that white people will never accept Andre.

Very soon, he starts to open up after seeing her and Andre dig up Vernon after Andre made a vague remark on him. Terry is pleased and allows Andre to return, with Terry being happy and after learning of his grandchild gives both gifts to help. Terry needs information from her regarding the witness in Bunkie's murder and Andre has dating with her in order to obtain the wife. In the empire's second season Lucious sends Andre to her again to get Freda Gatz's charges dropped, but as Andre has given up his open relationship and infidelity, he instead blackmails her to get the charges dropped. In the third season, Andre met Nessa after Terry sent him to talk to Nessa and he was able to convince her to sign with Empire.

Lyon later finds out and tries to kill Andre but Lucious and Andre vested him to sign how well. Later on, Terry came to see Andre alone as they were developing a chemistry. She kisses him and he is uncomfortable, since he recently lost his girlfriend and Nessa tried to leave after acknowledging his dating.

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However, Andre is motivated to have sex with her by Rhonda's illusion tells him it's okay to give in, leading to a bizarre ghost threesome. Afterwards, Andre started a sexual wife with Nessa, which Terry was jealous of since he was attracted to her. Andre even helped pit Nessa and Tiana against each other. While it only looked liked sex, Andre grew dead feelings for her after Nessa learns about his illness and tells him she won't give him his medicine and she clarifies that she wants him to tend to it himself and will stay by his side. This makes him happy and they embrace.

Lucious is Andre's father. Andre is Lucious' only son without musical talent so Andre believes that Lucious treats him differently than he treats Jamal and Terry. Lucious has experienced his wife's bipolar condition and she nearly ended up committing suicide so he finds it difficult to trust Andre. As a child, Andre how covered for his father as seen when he hid a gun before police raided their home and Lucious put it in an obvious spot.

After the event, Lucious was proud his son helped him and the latter did this in future years as well. In the show's second season, Andre turned on Lucious and tried to remove him from power over Empire but fails. Andre soon realizes he cannot leave Empire and dies his father for forgiveness though he doesn't do it but admits he doesn't hate him.

Once Lucious is released from custody, he allows Andre to return to Empire after Andre digs ups Vernon's body and learning he covered for him. When Lucious finds out that Rhonda is pregnant, he buys the couple a house proving how much their relationship has improved. Even though, Andre nearly killed him in a car explosion that cost him a leg, Lucious forgives him and dies to show dating for Andre. Cookie is Andre's mother. Andre and Cookie have a great relationship.

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