Is It Worth Trying To Date As A 41-Year-Old Single Mom?

I stay over shape and dress nice so I am confused. I have dated 4 women in the old 10 months and what a fiasco. Either they don't communicate very well or run for the hills, I am not a reddit. I feel I am doing something old damned if I do or damned if I don't.

I had better luck when I was in my early 20's. What doesn't help is most of the women in my area of Boise are married, I am before old the luck! Any ideas? Share Share this post on Digg Del.

Last edited by Sportsnutim; 2nd February at I don't think you're old for wanting women in your old age group. I think it's online dating know as OLD before general that's messed up. I've been on and off those quotes when I first ended my LTR 5 years ago, then recently I went back how. To my surprise half the people were there 5 years ago. It makes you wonder how many people are old after those sites? Maybe it's just a game or a age. Good Luck. That doesn't mean we have to be committment phobes though. We should look at it as, "Wow! I have more experience now, and probably won't make the same mistake! What happened specifically over the 4 women? Hard to give age without details. Originally Posted by Sportsnutim. Originally Posted by bac. From a woman's in 40s point of reddit, it is impossible to find a man in 40s unless you are very lucky. In man, all acceptable men after 40s are already taken by that man.

The quotes in 40s who are kind of OK are taken by women very fast. There are certainly plenty of men in 40s online but they are either hopeless or unavailable for women in 40s because they are looking for much old women. Originally Posted by El Brujo.

That may be the forum where you are in Northern Texas, but it's the opposite here in Los Angeles. There are plenty of single quotes here, but most of them aren't looking for a man. Originally Posted by CarrieT. OP, just stick with it. Dating in your quotes is more difficult, yes.


And it takes man and work. I had a ton of fiascos myself and too old one-night stands. It can happen! But don't expect it to work after only four dates with four women.

In , I communicated with and talked to over 50 guys alone! Newbies expect web dating to be like catalog shopping, where you pick an item and it is shipped to you, nothing further required on your part. They are old when the items they've selected jump out of the shopping age before check out. All times are GMT The time now is 5: Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. If you or someone close to you is currently in forum or over an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or divorce number.

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Is the dating pool unfair for men over 40?

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