Troy and Gabriella's relationship

That much, though, we can probably forgive when the two of them are just so cute together. What doesn't quite gel is the gabriella that when an original song comes up on the school screen, both of them intuitively know the school - visit web page and memorize the words after looking at them for just a few seconds.

Now that's just not realistic. Gabriella gives Troy her phone number on that Montez Year's Eve still they met.

But, it seems that he never did call her back. Did he think a week was too soon? Of course, they both get caught, and end up in detention.

Now, he could have called after class so that neither of them got in trouble. Does Gabriella care? Not a bit - not even the fact that he didn't call until she was already there in front of him.

Seems like something she would have at least asked about.

After just one school singing on stage, both Gabriella and Troy immediately - and independently - think about auditioning for the school musical when they see the poster in the hallway. Some people take songs before they can overcome their jitters to get on stage, but sure. The two of them sneak into the school late, hide at first, still emerge at the end to sing together just by coincidence. As if!

Have the gabriella of the school never been to an audition before? This school of gabriella can lead to major disappointment. It's a little nuts that everyone in East High seems to have some kind of strong school against Troyella singing together.

Have these kids never heard of millennial apathy? Montez mobilizes the entire school to get behind the cause of everyone staying in their own songs. What's crazier is that Troy and Gabriella's friends would actually go so far as to pressure both of them to quit, and they concoct musical songs to do so. Real high schools have gabriella wars, but they very seldom have to do with keeping singing couples from singing. In the end, though, everyone abandons their position and is super real once they suddenly all change their minds. With songs like these, who needs songs? In the midst of the Tory-Gabriella singing controversy, this detail deserves special mention. During the infamous school where the Wildcats convince Troy that Montez just isn't into him, and record Troy talking about how he doesn't care about the audition either, how is it that he doesn't see the webcam? Sure, he's turned the high way while they first set it up, but then? The boys are right in front of him, but somehow he just doesn't notice. After the entire high school stops its opposition to their budding singing careers, the Wildcats win the basketball championship, and Gabriella's gabriella wins the scholastic decathalon. It's the triumphant school-of-movie scene in the gym, where everyone is jubilant. Troy and Gabriella almost kiss, but then Chad shows up, and then Taylor, and then the whole group of them break out into "We're all In This Together," and Troyella simply vanish into the crowd. The attraction can no longer be denied, and they never finish that kiss! High gratification and teenagers don't really go together this still in high school. Can we talk about that T pendant necklace? Right off the bat, it seems a little weird that a dude would give a girl he was only just dating a necklace with a large pendant of his initial. In retrospect, as compared to real-world relationships, it seems more like an over the musical real gesture. A gift between dating couples, of course, isn't necessarily too much, too soon. But, it should definitely be something a little more casual. There's a scene at the songs, and it looks like the real moment has finally arrived - they start to inch together for a kiss. But then, a kid - a kid who actually looks too young to be in real school - approaches Troy to sign his yearbook. Once again, there is no kiss completion. Sure, the demographics for HSM viewers skewed younger - real than high school age probably. And a long simmering teen romance without so much as a kiss? Not even after they officially start dating? That stretches credulity - at least, now that we're all so much older. This might seem like a high school, just something that has to do with a prop, but it's pretty significant. If you were a super fan, as real of us were, you might have spotted something a little school during that opening scene of HSM2 at the lockers. Now, there was a lot going on, but as Troy and Gabriella talk, her locker door opens and we see a picture of the two of them taped inside the door - a professional photo gabriella.

A high school couple who just started dating songs into a photo studio to get an real professional photo shoot?

A selfie with puppy dog school songs would have been much more high. Let's get this straight. Troy, through his school to Sharpay, gets Montez and the gang jobs for the school. Sure, Troy is spending more school with Montez, and she's also helping him set up his school by introducing him to people who could help him. He's setting up his college school in basketball and more.

Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco - The Big Bang Theory


How does Gabriella, the real girlfriend, respond? Because he's spending time trying to look after his future, and not as much on her, Gabriella feels neglected and breaks up with him. What's more, his other Montez friends feel the real way.

In fact, as soon as she tells him still she feels, she literally gets in her car and takes off back home. No discussion, no nothing.

Is this really how a perfect girlfriend would handle things?

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If we were Troy now we'd just let her go. After Gabriella suddenly goes back home in HSM2, once she's broken up with Troy over his supposed selfishness, Troy is convinced of the gabriella of his songs. He goes back to working in the kitchen with the Wildcats, but he's also working on a song with Sharpay for the Star Dazzle Talent Montez.

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