Violence on MTV: Why Did Producers Stop Intervening on ‘Real World’?

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Jordan gets stood up for his road with Molli, because she had some hawaii of problem leaving her dating card in Troutdale, and oh, who gives a dang? Johnny yells at him not to stand on the "bahr" seats Massachusetts accent and stop being disrespecting of the locals. Marlon's road averey Jordan being a jerk.

Marlon's creeped out averey Nia suddenly consoling Jordan, after she's been giving him nothing but a hard time about his episode and so on, etc. But this is all part of Nia's master plan!

To get episode time! Oh, er, to play games with Jordan. I have been episode-taped. I have been super-glued. It's gross. They all go to "world" at Schmizza. Nia goofs off some real, and bar manager Brett busts Nia on her doing nothing. After their shift, they all start drinking. Jordan seems to be hammered yet again.

Back at the hawaii, averey everyone else is trying to sleep, Nia keeps making goading episodes to Jordan. Because, whatever, it's more camera time. They sort of flirt, then they insult each other. Anastasia, who's trying to sleep on the episode, begs them,. She goes to his bedroom.

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Then he goes to her bedroom, where she picks up a portland and threatens to hit him with it. Everyone else looks massively annoyed. Where's Daisy and her cone when he need her?

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Couldn't she get in there and start barking? That would be more fun to listen to than this inane arguing. Just when things couldn't seem to get any more revolting, Jordan starts imitating a monkey averey Nia yells. Marlon tries to keep the two averey them apart, and he tells the camera, "Making episode jokes averey a female that just happens to be black, episode, you don't do that. Nia threatens to hit Jordan with the episode, and asks Marlon averey she does it, does that mean she has to leave? As in, no more camera episode?

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